Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Help Messages from Heaven


Thank you for visiting this page.  There is a reason you are here and I hope that you find what you are looking for.

We all have Angels that are assigned to us by God.  It is the job of these Angels to help and protect us while guiding us down the path that is our purpose in life.  Everyone can ask their personal Angels for help on any matter at any time.  Their are requirements to asking your Angels for help.  First, you must ask.  Angels are not allowed to interfere with God's gift to humanity of Free Will.  (Free Will is an incredible gift, one that not even the Angels possess. However, it is also why it so hard to be human and make mistakes and sin, etc.)  Secondly, all requests must be given in honesty and sincerity.  It doesn't matter if you ask them quietly within your own head, speak it out loud or write it down on paper.  The importance is that you just ask, however it feels right to you.

When you feel what people refer to as intuition, that is your Angels guiding or nudging you to do the best thing for you at that moment.  Angels do things in your life everyday that goes unnoticed by most.  As an example, you may be unable to find your keys and it delays your leaving by a few minutes.  That may very well be your Angels doing that because if you had left sooner you may have been in an accident, etc.  When you hear things repeatedly such as songs or overhear the same words or phrases in conversations, etc. it is your Angels trying to tell you something.  Don't ignore these signs.

There are different forms of Angels.  First, there are the seven Archangels.  The seven Archangels are the very first thing that God created.  These Archangels are made of truth, light and love.  They are constantly acting on God's will and carrying out his wishes.  They are also charged with watching over and protecting humanity.  They are omnipresent, which means they can be in just one place or multiple places or everywhere at once if desired.  There are many other forms of Angels, such as Guardian Angels.  Every single person is assigned their own personal Guardian Angel that never leaves you.  All Angels are directly linked to God and you are constantly surrounded in God's presence which is 100% pure, untainted and unconditional love.

Not wanting to get into a lot of detail, but each person has a very specific purpose that they must carry out within their lifetime.  Your personal purpose, or mission, may be anything from a small one up to having one all the way up to having global impact and anything in between.

Although, every person has the capability of communicating with their Angels, there are a select few that are able to bring their conscientiousness to a higher vibration, or level, that allows a direct form of actual communication with them.  If you want to do this, there are a multitudes of books, YouTube videos, etc. that can help you achieve this.

I will say that I think that it is wrong for the people that have achieved this ability on a higher level to charge money and profit from delivering personal Angelic messages to people.  I'm not saying this to offend anyone that may be doing this for a living, but it is my opinion.

Now, there are some of us that know what our purpose or mission in life is.  I am one of those people. My personal mission was very hard for me to accept  at first.  I was not only humbled, awed and just couldn't believe that I was chosen to carry it out.  I now understand that it is not my place to question but to do what is asked of you without judgement.  

My purpose is to be the translator of messages given by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  These messages will come and be given in many different ways that I don't even understand yet. 

I am not a prophet or anything like that.  I am just a person like you. 

I have put this blog on the internet to help those in need of some of these messages on a personal level.  If you are one of those people you will find this page.  I will answer any questions or help with anything that I can for you.

You are welcome to leave questions or comments on this blog.  If you are more comfortable with a private message you are welcome to email me at HelpFromHeaven777@gmail.com   I will help all that I can.

I wish nothing but love, peace and happiness to all!